Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Preparing for the Rest of Your Life

Losing a loved one is a very difficult scenario in life. Death is inevitable and everybody has to go through it at one point in their lives. One can only try to live a healthy life as best that he could but still it is not a 100% guarantee that you will live for a long time sans illness or deterioration. A healthy lifestyle will always be the best option if you want to live a better and healthier life but nothing will stop death when it comes knocking on your door.

Early stages of preparations

Investing is one surefire way of preparing for the future. Some invest in real estate while others invest in pieces of jewelry and precious stones. Gold and diamonds, especially a rare blue diamond, are amongst the favorite jewels of choice. Preparations of any kind, be it insurance, investment vehicles or keeping fit and healthy are part of a person's preparation for the future.

Preparing for old age and sickness

It may be a morbid thought for most people but we all know that we have to prepare for the time when we die. The mere fact that most of us take out an insurance of some sort is a testament of how we want to prepare for the future. It doesn't matter if the future is bleak or positive but we really do our best to prepare. Preparation is key if we want to survive the challenges unscathed or at least those who will survive us will continue living a life that is comfortable and safe.

Most people take out health insurance and even take out memorial plans. The health insurance will make sure that when illness comes, what has been saved in the bank for the future will not be touched as much as possible. It is a known fact that without health insurance, anything saved can easily be lost through the exorbitant doctor’s fees, hospital bills and medicines for the patient. The coverage of your health insurance should be as extensive as you can afford because you will never know what the future will hold in terms of your health.

Another insurance that most people take out is the pension or retirement insurance. This will give the policy holder the opportunity to continue enjoying the kind of lifestyle that he enjoyed while he was still working when he finally retires.

Preparing for death

Memorial plans are important because this will ensure that the loved ones left behind will not be troubled when the time comes. Others opt for the traditional burial plans while there are those who want to be cremated. If you are going for cremation, there is a new way of preserving the memories by using the ashes of the departed to make memorial diamonds.

Memorial diamonds are synthetic diamonds that are made usually through the ashes of the cremated loved one. There are different choices of memorial diamonds and one of the most preferred is a blue diamond.

Preparation is key in everything about life. Living for today is not enough especially if you have people who rely on you. If you love them, prepare for your future and theirs because there is no reason enough for you not to. Don't go on living without preparing for your today and tomorrow - for your sake and that of your family's as well.

Memories Live on through a Memorial Diamond

When a loved one passes away, we do a lot of things to make the memories last us for a lifetime. Others create videos and photo collages as their way of commemorating the life of the dearly departed while others "wear" their loved once by converting ashes to diamond and using it as a piece of jewelry. Using a diamond from ashes may be quite unconventional for some but this is a really good way of keeping the memory of the dead loved one alive forever.

Death doesn't have to be the end of the memories that you can create together with the loved. He or she may not be present physically but by wearing a diamond from ashes, his or her own ashes, the dead's memory lives on and as you wear the diamond you can create new memories with them. Sometimes it really is so hard to let go of people who mean the world to you but now you don't have to really say goodbye because there are memorial diamonds that can help you preserve the memory.

Years ago, when a person dies the choice will be the usual burial or cremation. Now, things have changed. If the family chooses to have the remains of their dead loved one cremated, then can even go beyond cremation by having a memorial diamond made - from ashes to diamond. The quality of these memorial diamonds is excellent as the makers always strive for perfection. The clarity of the diamond is comparable to that of a flawless diamond as well. Even if you have to pay top dollar for a memorial diamond, every dollar paid will be worth it not only in terms of value but for the memory that goes with the diamond as well.

Wearing a diamond from ashes of a loved one may not be a common practice but for those who truly value the love that has been shared by the deceased and those who were left behind, everything is worth it. Death shouldn’t separate the dead with their loved one physically because through a memorial diamond, the dead and the living can still be together.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Memorial diamonds to mean FOREVER

Death is certain. It is inevitable. There will come a point in each and every person’s life that everything will just come to an end – the conclusion of what our life is really all about; the wrapping up of one’s very own purpose or the reason why he or she ever existed in this world. Nobody is exempted to the ultimate sting of death – the young or the old, the most famous to the least person, and the most powerful to the weakest being, from the riches to the poorest one who ever existed. Eventually, guess what – we will all die. But no matter how we stress the obvious and make known the given situation of what is yet to come, however you wish to be ready and be prepared… a death of a loved one can still be a crucial situation where one or more lives can be affected and be changed forever.

Nobody really said it can be that easy especially when a very deep connection had been present all throughout and it’s as if your lives are entwined by a very strong and invisible cord. But hey! It does not have to end there – all the memories shared and the bonding throughout the years will forever remain and one way of remembering and somewhat “immortalizing” all those precious moments with your loved one is through Memorial diamonds; and speaking from a historical vantage point, diamonds have always been considered as the ultimate representation or symbol of remembrance, permanence, and love.

As technology continues to find its way through our lives providing some better ways of turning things around having baked a deceased person at 1,700 degrees for a specific number of hours, nowadays, families are opting for cremation instead of the typical burial for their loved one. So how about ditching that mundane way of having an old casket by shifting it altogether to a diamond perhaps? The ashes gathered from the last of the remains can be made into a memorial diamond from the carbon filtered from the cremated ashes which then are purified, are also being graphitized, then extracted to become a naturally colored canary or something like a blue diamond.

The cuts will then vary based on the specifications or requirements of the family members turning it into a symbolic jewelry item which can be passed as family heirloom. These memorial diamonds formed from the ashes can be accepted as the real deal of diamonds having an accurate or similar type of sparkle, fire, and brilliance as those diamonds formed from under millions of pounds of earth that the miners carefully dig into and consider as a very precious treasure to be found.

But what makes these memorial diamonds a better stand to justify the thought of its genuineness is the fact that these diamonds are crafted from the ashes of a very known and precise source of carbon – the ashes of your loved one which then can really put a better emphasis in the word FOREVER.